Monday, September 30, 2019

Challenge #39 - SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing "Free For All"

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower 
and use our participant badge or photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #39 - Let the Troubles Begin!

"Something, Anything, Everything"
"Free For All"  

THING 1: Double Trouble
says, "It's time again to grab your bone folder, your stuff, and create something new. We think this is easier than folding a fitted sheet! It's time to use "stuff" you have in your stash (new and/or old).

You can Stop here...
OR Add Twisted Sister's Optional Twist "Think Pink"

THING 3: Twisted Sister says, "October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month so let's "Think Pink" and make pink your prominent color.

This is an OPTIONAL twist and give you an additional chance for Double Trouble's random draw.

THING 2: Double Dare
dares you to multiply the fun and link up your project with any of our previous partner(s) below for extra chances to our Random Draw. Make sure you read their guidelines carefully and observe their dates. We don't want you to get into Trouble with them.

This means: each time you link with a previous partner, or multiple partners with the same card, you gain additional chances for each partner challenge you entered. Please make sure you identify them in your blog along with our Double Trouble link.

For Inspiration ... here are our Things 

SEPT Guest Designer 
Crazy Cousin 
Jean Chaney Here is Jean's stunning card... parchment crafting, which involves embossing, coloring and perforating on parchment or vellum paper. This allows her to create depth and/or lace with just a few tools.  Please visit her blog for additional information and links how to create.    

Now it's your turn...

Monday, September 23, 2019

Challenge #37 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winner

"Make Like a Tree & Leave"  

There were many awesome entries in Challenge #37. We loved all of your fabulous designs, the inspiration you have shared and appreciate the love and support you have given us. Now in no particular order, here are the Top 3, and please grab your Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

Random Draw Prize: There were 40 entries and additional chances for using Twisted Sister's optional twist "Sweet Fall Treat" and sharing with our partner The Paper Girls. Our draw was selected by

Congratulations to the Winner
Debbie Mageed

Secret Sister Prizes - Additional small Gift for answering question(s) in DT Blogs

Thing 2 Twisted Sister: What is your Favorite Fall Drink?
Janet Sisk says, "Great card! I love all things pumpkin for fall. I especially love pumpkin cheesecake and pumpkin frozen custard treats at Culver’s! 

Thing 1 Trouble Maker: What Movie was the phrase "Make Like a Tree and Leave"?
Kampin Karen says, "Yeppers, it's got to be Back to the Future II and I loved all the characters except for young Biff and old Biff! Your card is great...I could handle going through your corn maze...not a fan of real ones.

*  *  *   *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Your Prizes will be on their way as soon as you provide your mailing address at

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * 

We hope everyone enjoyed this challenge as much as we did.
Now it’s time for more trouble - Double Trouble that is!

Click HERE or scroll down for Challenge #38
"Mad About Plaid" 
Optional: "Tag It or Be Framed"  
and Use Your Stuff "Tags and/or Frames"  

Please follow us, participate in future fun challenges
and invite your friends/family to join in the fun at Double Trouble.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Challenge #38 "Something Plaid" partnering with Use Your Stuff

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower
and use our participant badge or photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #38 - Let the Troubles Begin!

"Mad for Plaid"

THING 1: Trouble Maker 
says, "We're Mad for Plaid. Being that I'm from Buffalo, New York... a Buffalo Plaid is a favorite."  Jazz up your project and choose your favorite plaid pattern (Buffalo, Scottish Tartan, Gingham, Checkered, Argyle, etc.) and use any patterned papers, stamps or techniques.

You can stop here ... 
OR, you can choose to add Twisted Sister's Optional Twist below.

THING 3: Twisted Sister 
says, "Tag! You're It... or you'll be framed." Include a tag and/or frame of any shape on your project.

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw if you include this twist in your project, enabling you  to enter at Double Dare's Dare.  

THING 2: Double Dare
says, "If you used a "Tag and/or Frame then you are eligible to enter your project at Use Your Stuff  Challenge #375 "Tags and Frames" and earn another chance for Double Trouble's random draw."  

Note:  Use Your Stuff closes one day prior to Double Trouble; so make sure you get your project linked by Saturday, September 28th.  

For Inspiration... here are our Things:


SEPT Guest Designer 

Crazy Cousin 

Now it's your turn...

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Challenge #36 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

 CONGRATULATIONS Top 3 "Round & Round"  
There were many awesome entries in Challenge #36. We loved all of your fabulous designs, the inspiration you have shared and appreciate the love and support you have given us. Now in no particular order, here are the Top 3, and please grab your Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

19-Debi B 

24-Cheryl E 

41-Ellibelle's Corner 

Random Draw Prize: There were 41 entries and additional chances for using Twisted Sister's optional twist "something school related" and sharing with our partner Joy of Sets TicTacToe. Our draw was selected by

Congratulations to the Winner 
8-Laura's Craft Closet

Your Prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your mailing address at

We hope everyone enjoyed this challenge as much as we did.
Now it’s time for more trouble - Double Trouble that is!

Click HERE for Challenge #37
"Make Like a Tree and Leave" Fall
Optional: "Fall Sweet Treat" 
and The Paper Girls "Falling in Love"  

Please follow us, participate in future fun challenges
and invite your friends/family to join in the fun at Double Trouble.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Challenge #37 "Fall Theme" Partnering with The Paper Girls "Falling For You"

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and 
use our participant badge or photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #37
Let the Troubles Begin 

"Make like a Tree and Leave"
A couple of the Secret Sisters are offering an additional 
random draw prize from each of their Blog Posts
so don't forget to visit them and follow the comment 
requirement for eligibility. 

THING 1: Trouble Maker
says, "Twisted Sister is driving me NUTS and I feel like telling her to make like a tree and leave!"  Create a colorful Fall theme centered around trees, leaves, acorns, pumpkins, and more. 

You can stop here to enter your project...
Or you can choose to use Twisted Sister's optional TWIST below. 

THING 3: Twisted Sister
says, "But Trouble Maker, I just want to have S'more Fun."  Add a Fall Sweet Treat in your project...candied apples, candy corn, pumpkin pie, hot cocoa, marshmallows, and s'more.

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST:  If you have included a "Sweet Treat" in your Thing 1 (aka Trouble Maker) project you have earned an
additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw.

THING 2: Double Dare 
says, "If you have created a Fall Card you are eligible to enter your project in The Papergirls Challenge "Falling in Love".  

CLICK HERE  for the direct link to enter your project.  

For Inspiration ... here are our Things

SEPT Guest Designer 
Crazy Cousin 

Now it's your turn...