Please take the time to read the information so you don't get into trouble.
Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.
Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.
WELCOME to Challenge #62
Let the Troubles Begin
"Christmas in July"
says, "It's 158 days until Christmas and we're getting an early start with Christmas in July! Santa's workshop must be bustling. He's making toys using all kinds of fun tools. Use your favorite crafting tool in creating your project."
Don't keep us guessing - include your favorite tool in Double Trouble's link description in your post.
You can stop here...
OR, you can choose to add Twisted Sister's optional twist for extra chances to our random draw.
Thing 3: Twisted Sister
says, "Aren't all these busy little elves adorable! Include an elf or a gnome on your Christmas project and earn an additional chance in our random draw prize."
Thing 2: Double Dare
says, "If you used one of your favorite tools you may link your project to Heart2Heart's "Favorite Tool" Challenge HERE whether you used Twisted Sister's optional twist or not, and you will receive an additional chance at the Double Trouble Random Draw.
Heart2Heart encourages the use of at least one Close To My Heart product; This requirement has been waived for our partnership. However, if you do use any CTMH products you will be eligible for another chance at Double Trouble's random draw, but please let us know in your post about products used.
Heart2Heart has theme challenges that begin weekly and are open through the last day of the month, so make sure you get your entry in by July 31st.
Heart2Heart encourages the use of at least one Close To My Heart product; This requirement has been waived for our partnership. However, if you do use any CTMH products you will be eligible for another chance at Double Trouble's random draw, but please let us know in your post about products used.
Heart2Heart has theme challenges that begin weekly and are open through the last day of the month, so make sure you get your entry in by July 31st.
For inspiration... here are our Things:
along with inspiration from the Sneetches:
After you link below, come back and SHARE with us on Instagram
using #doubletroublechallengeblog and FOLLOW us.