Monday, December 6, 2021

Challenge #99 - "It's Up to You" partnering with The Paper Funday Challenges

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenges and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Random Draw Winners for 
Challenge #98 and previous challenges 
can be viewed by clicking HERE 

WELCOME to Challenge #99 - Let the Troubles Begin!  
This Challenge runs from 
Monday,  December 6th thru Sunday, January 2nd  
"It's Up To You"  

THING 1:  Trouble Maker 
says, "For those of you who are looking for open challenges in December... this is the challenge for you.  In December there are holidays, special events, and even bizarre and wacky days.  We have decided for this challenge the special event is "IT'S UP TO YOU".  

This is optional... but IF you are looking for inspiration for your project click here for a Days of December Calendar to see holiday inspiration and some bizarre and wacky days that could be used for your project. (Ex: December 13 is Ice Cream Day and could be used for a birthday card, or December 5 is Bathtub Party Day, oh, ummm, wait a minute, that's my birthday!  IF you choose something from this list, let us know what date and special event you used... don't keep us guessing." 

You can stop here 
You can continue to Twisted Sisters Optional Twist  

THING 3:  Twisted Sister
says, "Tis the Season to be Jolly, 'cause I've been Decking the Halls and making sure I haven't made Santa's naughty list this year. It reminded me that I should have a Twist that would last the entire month of December.  

Use any number(s) related to age, a special day, a year, or maybe include a calendar on your project."

This is an Optional Twist; but if you include this on your project, you have earned another chance at our random draw.   

THING 2:  Double Dare 
says, "We are happy to partner with The Paper Funday Challenge for the full month of December plus two days.  

If you have met Trouble Maker's requirement, with or without Twisted Sister's optional twist, you can enter your project here at The Paper Funday #36 - Anything Goes with an Optional Twist: Holiday Times."  

This is our last Challenge of 2021. We wish you all 
a Happy Holiday 
and a Wonderful New Year!  

Please come back for our Special 100th Challenge Celebration
random draw gifts and fun for all... See you in 2022.

For inspiration... here are our Things: 
Inspiration:  Bathtub Party Day - December 5

Inspiration:  Poinsettia Day - December 12

Inspiration:  Great Nephews State Football Championship Game 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Inspiration:  Ugly Christmas Sweater Day - December 17

Inspiration:  Mutt Day - December 2

Inspiration:  Go Caroling Day - December 20
Inspiration:  Bake Cookies Day - December 18

December Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin
Inspiration:  Bake Cookies Day - Dec 18

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Challenge #98 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winner

 Congratulations to our Top Three Winners!

We enjoyed all of your fabulous designs and we appreciate your participation in our Challenge #98 "Something, Anything, Everything". 
Now, in numeric order, here are the Top 3.   
Please take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

Congratulations to the Random Draw Winner!

There were 40 eligible entries plus additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and sharing your project with our partner. 
Our winner was selected by 

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your postal mailing address to  

Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges.
Don't forget to invite your friends and family members 
to join in the fun at Double Trouble Challenges.