Friday, June 30, 2023

Challenge #142 "Christmas in July" partnering with Jingle Belles "Stars and Stripes"

Click HERE for complete guidelines and please
 take the time to read them so you don't get into trouble. 
Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge 
or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting. 

Top 3 and Random Draw Winners 
for Challenge #141 or previous challenges
can be viewed by clicking HERE

There are several parts to this challenge, 
but the only requirement is to play along with Thing 1. 
We encourage you to increase the fun... try our options by participating in 
Twisted Sister's Thing 3 and/or Double Dare's Thing 2 
 to earn additional chances in our random draw.  

WELCOME to Challenge #142  - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Friday, June 30th  thru Thursday, July 13th 
"Christmas in July"  

THING 1:  
Trouble Maker 
says, "Christmas in July is a fun, and perhaps silly, commemoration of the traditional winter holiday but in the typically warm and sunny month of July. There is no one way to celebrate Christmas in July, but there are a few steps to follow if you intend on having a holly jolly time the paper crafter's way.

"Why not invite your family and friends into your home for a Christmas Paper Crafting Party? First, seek out a not-too-ugly Christmas sweater or comfy jammies, a Santa hat, and a favorite Christmas drink (hot or cold). Next, head to the craft room, pull out your Christmas Stash, and turn on your radio, or, click HERE and listen to Christmas carols while creating a Christmas project (cards, tags, ornaments, scrapbook memories, bookmarks, boxes, etc.)."

You can stop here... 
play along with Twisted Sister's optional twist below to earn another chance in our random drawing.  

THING 3:  Twisted Sister 
says, "Let's not forget we also celebrate Independence Day in the USA on the Fourth of July. My optional twist is to include stars and/or stripes in traditional or non-traditional Christmas colors. Obviously, cards need not be red, white, and blue. We are eager to see how you bring stars and/or stripes into your project. Check out our Design Team projects below to see how we have implemented this twist."

Optional Twist:  If you have included stars and/or stripes in your project you will earn another chance in our Random Drawing.  

THING 2:  Double Dare 
says, "If you have created a Christmas card, and included stars and/or stripes, you are eligible to enter your project HERE  for Jingle Belle's Challenge 'Stars & Stripes Forever' and you will earn another chance in our Random Drawing.  


For inspiration... here are our Things: 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

July Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 

Challenge #141 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

Congratulations to our Top Three Winners!

We hope you enjoyed Challenge #141 "Something, AnyThing, EveryThing" as much as we enjoyed seeing your projects.

We enjoyed all of your fabulous designs and appreciate your participation and creativity in our challenges.  Now, in numeric order, here are the Top Three. Please take a Top Three badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

Congratulations to the Random Draw Winner!

There were 38 entries plus additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and/or sharing your project with our partner. Our winner was selected by 

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your postal mailing address to

Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges.
Don't forget to invite your friends and family members 
to join in the fun at Double Trouble Challenges. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Challenge #141 SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing

Click HERE for complete guidelines and please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge 
or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Random Draw Winners 
for Challenge #140 and previous challenges
can be viewed by clicking HERE

There are several parts to this challenge, 
but the only requirement is to play along with Thing 1. 
We encourage you to add some fun... try our options by participating in 
Twisted Sister's Thing 3 and/or Double Dare's Thing 2 
 to earn additional chances in our random draw.

WELCOME to Challenge #141  - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Friday, June 23rd  thru Thursday, June 29th 
"SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing"  

THING 1: Trouble Maker
says, "It's time again to grab your bone folder and other crafty stuff and create something new. We think this is easier than folding a fitted sheet! It's time to use the stuff you have in your stash (new and/or old) for our SIX-DAY special of SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing (aka Anything Goes)." 

You can stop here...

OR, you can choose to include Twisted Sister's Optional Twist below to earn additional chances at our random draw. 

THING 3:  Twisted Sister 
says, "For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the Summer Solstice, often called the Longest Day, will occur on June 21st. Of course, this refers to the day with the most hours of sunlight. Can you guess how long the longest day really is? Well, it varies depending on where you live. At the North Pole, you will have 24 hours of sunlight and if you’re close to the equator, you’ll have about 13 hours.

"We hope you’ll enjoy the Summer Solstice by spending time outdoors but be sure to put aside some time to create. To commemorate the Longest Day my twist is to create a Slimline card or a Mini-Slimline."

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw if you include this twist in your project.  

THING 2:  Double Dare 
says, "I dare you to multiply the fun by linking your project with any previous partner(s) listed below. You will qualify for extra chances in our Random Draw.

"Make sure you read their guidelines carefully and observe their dates. We don't want you to get into trouble."

This means each time you link to a previous partner with the same card, you gain an additional chance in our random draw. Please identify each of the links in your blog along with our Double Trouble link. 


For inspiration... here are our Things: 

Partnered with:  Beautiful Blossoms, Use Your Stuff 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Partnered with:  Beautiful Blossoms

Partnered with: Creative Creases 

Partnered with:  Color Dare #554 & TSOT #611

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 

Challenge #140 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

Congratulations to our Top Three Winners!

We hope you enjoyed Challenge #140 "On a Warm Summer's Day" as much as we enjoyed seeing your projects and love that many of you chose to wear your flipflops.  

We enjoyed all of your fabulous designs and appreciate your participation and creativity in our challenges.  Now, in numeric order, here are the Top Three.    Please take a Top Three badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

Congratulations to the Random Draw Winner!

There were 40 entries plus additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and/or sharing your project with our partner. Our winner was selected by 

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your postal mailing address to

Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges.
Don't forget to invite your friends and family members 
to join in the fun at Double Trouble Challenges. 

Friday, June 9, 2023

Challenge #140 "On a Warm Summer's Day" partnering with ColorMyHeart Color Dare

Click HERE for complete guidelines and please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble! Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge 
or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Random Draw Winners for 
Challenge #139 and previous challenges
can be viewed by clicking HERE

There are several parts to this challenge, 
but the only requirement is to play along with Thing 1. 
We encourage you to add some fun... try our options by participating in 
Twisted Sister's Thing 3 and/or Double Dare's Thing 2 
 to earn additional chances in our random draw.

WELCOME to Challenge #140  - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Friday, June 9th thru Thursday, June22nd 
"On a Warm Summer's Day" 

Thing 1:  Trouble Maker 
says, "Technically summer begins on June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, but any sunny day is a good time to get started on these warm weather must-dos. Grab your beach towel, set up the grill or fire pit, and get ready to spend some quality time with your friends and family. This is the summer you were daydreaming about during the cold winter months so let's squeeze in "s'more" extra time together and create a summer project. 

"Take a look at the fun photo provided by our partner. This photo includes enough summer colors from which to select three colors of your choice and perhaps provides ideas for your summer theme."

You can stop here... 
play along with Twisted Sister's optional twist below to earn another chance in our random draw. 

Thing 3:  
Twisted Sister 
says, "I believe there is something missing from that summer photo. Just think - where would you be without your flip-flops? Did you know that June 9th is National Flip-Flop Day?  It's time to bare our toes to the sun. Ditch those clammy, hard leather shoes, and even your comfortable sneakers, and slip into your flip-flops. Going almost shoeless is as much a summer tradition as baseball, hot dogs, and the beach. My optional twist is to include a flip-flop(s) in your project."

Optional Twist:  If you have included a flip-flop(s) in your project you will earn another chance in our Random Draw. 
Thing 2:  Double Dare 
says, "If you have met Thing 1's requirement to create a summer project, with or without the flip-flop(s), you are eligible to enter your project HERE  at Color My Heart Color Dare Challenge #552.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Remember you are welcome to use any products as long as you use only colors in the inspiration photo. Select at least three colors from the photo, AND, to make it even better, you are free to use Black, White, neutrals, and metallics. Be sure to mention in your post at least three colors that you selected.

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 

Challenge #139 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

Congratulations to our Top Three Winners!

We hope you enjoyed Challenge #139 "We Dare You" and triple dog dare to make a Masculine card as much as we enjoyed seeing your projects.    

We enjoyed all of your fabulous designs and appreciate your participation and creativity in our challenges.  Now, in numeric order, here are the Top Three Four.    Please take a Top Three badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

Congratulations to the Random Draw Winner!

There were 49 entries plus additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and/or sharing your project with our partner. Our winner was selected by 

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your postal mailing address to

Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges.
Don't forget to invite your friends and family members to join in 
the fun at Double Trouble Challenges.