Sunday, March 31, 2019

Challenge #25 "Let's Get Groovy" with Cupcake Inspiration "Woodland Creatures"

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and use our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Check out our Secret Sister's special gift in the guidelines.

WELCOME to Challenge #25 - Let the Troubles Begin

"Lets Get Groovy" 

THING 1:  Trouble Maker 
says "Let's get groovy!" 
Use something that looks like or made from wood (woodgrain pattern papers, wooden embellishments, trees, fence, stump etc.) on your project. 

Don't stop here... consider Twisted Sister's optional twist

THING 3:  Twisted Sister 
is rockin' and singing "Wild thing you make my heart sing" by The Troggs".  Use a woodland critter in your project.  

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw prize if you include a woodland critter.  

THING 2: Double Dare
dares you "If you have included a woodland critter in your project then you are eligible to link your project to Cupcake Inspirations Theme Challenge #467."

Participation at Cupcake Inspirations gives you an extra chance in our random draw. 

Here are our Groovy Things...

April Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Double Trouble Thing 1 Challenge #25
"Let's Get Groovy" Closes Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 11pm MTN

Monday, March 18, 2019

Challenge #24 "Use Metallic" with Brown Sugar "Transportation"

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take time to read the guidelines so you don't get into trouble.
Be sure to check out Secret Sister's special gift in the guidelines.
Consider becoming a follower and use our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #24 - Let the Troubles Begin


THING 1: Trouble Maker 
is singing, "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold." Link to Song

Your challenge is simply to use something metallic (gold, silver, copper, etc.) such as an embellishment, paper or technique.  

THING 3: Twisted Sister
says, "I'm rich! During the last challenge I found the pot of gold and now it's time to travel. Let's adventure! Show us what mode of transportation you enjoy when on vacation (surfboarding, aircraft, boats, trains, autos, etc.)."

THING 2: Double Dare
dares you to join in the Brown Sugar Challenge #288 "Transportation Theme". If you have used Twisted Sister's Optional Twist, it's more than likely you will be able to skip on over to enter your project. Make sure if you are visiting from Brown Sugar your blog post stays within the dates of the Double Trouble challenge or you may get in trouble.

Here are our Things...

March Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin
Betty Locco 

Thing 1 Challenge #24 - "Transportation" Closes Sunday, March 31, 2019 - 11pm MTN
No more than four projects per person submitted to this Double Trouble challenge. 
If you are posting on Instagram, be sure to add the hashtag #doubletroublechallengeblog

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Top 3 and Random Draw Winner- Challenge #22

Thank you so much for your support. There were awesome "Magic TicTacToe" entries in Challenge #22 with many using the Twisted Sister's optional twist "Something Magical" . We loved all of your fabulous designs and the inspiration you shared with us.

We hope you'll continue to follow us in future fun challenges and 
appreciate the love and support you have given us... 
please invite your friends/family to join us, too.

Congratulations to our Top 3
Now in no particular order, here are the Top 3. Please be sure to take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our home page.  

Random Draw Prize:
There were 42 entries and numerous additional chances for using Twisted Sister's optional twist "Something Magical" and sharing with our partner Use Your Stuff. Our draw was selected by 

Congratulations to the Winner
Your Things will be on its way
as soon as you provide your mailing address at

We hope everyone enjoyed the challenge as much as we did.
Now it’s time for more trouble - Double Trouble that is!

Click HERE for Challenge #23

"Wearin' 'of the Green" 
and look for on Secret Sister's Blog, 
and leave a special comment to be eligible 
for a special Gift.  

Monday, March 4, 2019

Challenge #23 "Wearin' O' the Green" with Heart2Heart

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge and HERE for complete guidelines. Please take the time to read about us so you don't get into trouble! Consider becoming a follower and use our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.
Check out Secret Sister's special gift in the guidelines.   

This shamrock has been hidden in Secret Sister's Blog
When you find the image, leave a special comment in her Blog,
to be eligible for a special gift!

"The Wearin' o' the Green" 

THING 1: Trouble Maker
says, "Let's celebrate St. Patrick's Day with the wearin' o' the green!" Dress up your project with green as the primary color.  (It does not have to be a St. Paddy's Day card... celebrate any occasion.)  

Don't stop here... consider Twisted Sister's optional twist. 

THING 3: Twisted Sister
says, "Good ole St. Paddy's day is all about findin' the Pot o' Gold... be it in a pint o' beer or at the end of a rainbow." Include a "golden touch" on your project. 

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw prize if you include something gold.

: Double Dare 
says, "I'm proud of my Irish heritage and double dare you to play along by linking your green project at Heart2Heart Challenge." While Heart2Heart encourages the use of at least one CTMH product, for this partnership, this requirement will be waived.  Heart2Heart has weekly theme challenges and  you are able to enter up to the last day of the month; however, Double Trouble challenge closes on March 17th.  

Enjoy a typical Irish tune HERE as you link with our partner.

Participation at Heart2Heart gives you an extra chance in our random draw. 

Here are our Green Things...

 Suzanne Reynolds

March Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin
Betty Locco 

Thing 1 Challenge #23 - "Wearin' of the Green" Closes Sunday, March 17, 2019 - 11pm MTN
No more than four projects per person submitted to this Double Trouble challenge. 
If you are posting on Instagram, be sure to add the hashtag #doubletroublechallengeblog

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.