Monday, April 15, 2019

Challenge #26 - "Splish-Splash" with Joy of Sets TicTacToe

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge and HERE for complete guidelines.
Check out our Secret Sister's special gift in the guidelines.
Please take time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and use our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #26 - Let the Troubles Begin 

This oyster/pearl

has been hidden in Secret Sister's Blog
When you find the image, leave a special comment in her blog
to be eligible for a special gift

Join us with "Splish-Splash" by Bobby Darin

THING 1: Trouble Maker
says, "This challenge is a splash!"  Include some form of water to celebrate "Showers" (Spring, Wedding, Baby, Housewarming). Or, give us watercolor technique or paper background, splatter or rain drops using products that represent water (liquid glass, glossy accents).

You can stop here ...  

Or you can opt to use the TicTacToe board below so that you can enter into a second challenge.  

THING 3: Twisted Sister
says "I live in the Pacific Northwest and raindrops keep fallin' on my head (sing-along with BJ Thomas).  To keep the raindrops from fallin' on my head include a bumbershoot on your project." 

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random prize draw if you include a *Bumbershoot. 

*Trivia: "Bumbershoot" is a predominantly American nickname, one that has
been recorded as a whimsical, slightly irreverent handle for umbrellas since the late 1890s. As with most slang terms, the origins of "bumbershoot" are a bit foggy, but it appears that the "bumber" is a modification of the "umbr-" in "umbrella" and the "shoot" is an alteration of the "-chute" in "parachute" (since an open parachute looks a little like an umbrella).  

THING 2: Double Dare
says if you have completed a row, column or diagonal from this TicTacToe board then you are eligible to link your project at The Joy of Sets #004 HERE and you will receive an additional chance at the Double Trouble Random Draw.

Here are our Things...

Thing 1: Used watercolor background paper
Thing 3's Optional Twist: Bumbershoot
TicTacToe Column 1: Wedding/Glitter/Die Cut
or Row 1: Wedding/Glitter/Die Cut

Tracey Pierce 
Thing 1 used Shower Invitation
Thing 3 Optional Twist: Bumbershoot
TicTacToe Diagonal: Wedding/Vellum/Pearls

Thing 1: Used raindrop design paper
Thing 3's Optional Twist: Bumbershoot
TicTacToe 3rd Column: Ribbon/Floral/Pearls

April Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin
Meghan Kennihan
Thing 1: Used splatter of splash on background paper 
Thing 3's Optional Twist:  Bumbershoot 
TicTacToe 3rd Row:  Die Cut/White/Pearls

Now it's your turn....


Janet said...
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Janet said...

FYI - the link to Melanie's blog isn't working.

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Thanks Janet, the link has been corrected.

Kampin' Karen said...

I found your site through Julie Gearinger's post. I'm so glad I clicked on her link because your challenge appears to be so much fun. I'll return later to see if I can play. My eyes are not awake yet so I am having difficulty reading. Hurry up eye meds, I have business to take care of at Double Trouble and JOS! Beautiful DT cards btw.

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Kampin' Karen, Glad you came to visit us and would love to see you join us in this and/or future fun challenges at Double Trouble.