Monday, March 30, 2020

Challenge #53 SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing

National Goof Off and Chip and Dip Days  
Since we missed these National Holidays during the last challenge we have decided to add this as an additional Fun Challenge at the same time as we have our SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing Challenge but with a separate link. 

Please join us in this Goofy experience. Click HERE for details.  There will be an additional prize for the most creative. 

WELCOME to Challenge #53 - Let the Troubles Begin! 

Free For All 
"SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing" 

THING 1:  Trouble Maker 
says, "This is a One-Week Free-for-All Challenge so have a little fun creating with 'Some Thing', 'Any Thing' and 'Every Thing'."  

"We think this is easier than folding a fitted sheet so pick up your bone folders!  By the way, Twisted Sister, I have a bone to pick with you - but first things first... it's time to use the 'stuff' you have in your stash (new and/or old)."

You can stop here...
OR, you can choose to include Twisted Sister's Optional Twist below to earn additional chances at our random draw.  
THING 3: Twisted Sister
says, "Trouble Maker is always accusing me of things I didn't do. Now she has a bone to pick! What does she want, a background check? Well, I'll show her. Let's create a background using scraps and/or small pieces of patterned paper or Washi tape.  

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw if you include either of these twists in your project.

THING 2: Double Dare 
says, "I dare you to multiply the fun by linking your project with any previous partner(s) listed below. You will qualify for extra chances in our Random Draw. Make sure you read their guidelines carefully and observe their dates. We don't want you to get into trouble with them."

"This means each time you link to a previous partner with the same card, you gain an additional chance. Please identify each of them in your blog with our Double Trouble link.

Please Welcome our DT Sneetches... 
Donna Sholz
Kellianne Wilson 
Alyson Mayo
Melanie Hungerford

Click HERE for the introduction to each of these talented Crafters that have joined us as Design Team Sneetches.  And don't forget to click on their name to view details of their projects and welcome them to Double Trouble.  Some great inspiration from all. 

and more inspiration from the Things...  

Melanie Richards (1 of 2)
Washi Tape Birthday Cake

Washi Tape Holiday

March Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Now it's your turn...


Fun Challenge - National Goof Off Day and National Chip and Dip Day

National Goof Off Day Celebration
"Chip Shapes" 

THING 1: Trouble Maker 
says, "Oops, we missed a couple of fun celebrations during our last challenge. National Goof Off Day and National Chip and Dip Day. We thought this would be a good time to Goof Off since many of us are staying at home and looking for things to do. If you have children at home maybe they would like to join, too."

Grab your favorite Chip Snacks or two... this can be potato chips, corn chips, tortilla chips, crackers, pretzels, etc. The dip is any type that goes with the chip of your choice. While you're enjoying your Chips... Look for Chip Shapes that resemble something else, or make something unique out of your snacks. But don't eat your findings until you take a photo or two. You can enjoy this while you are creating but you may want to have hand wipes nearby. 

THING 3: Twisted Sister says, "Here are some ideas for fun at your party and complete a project for the Something, Anything, Everything Challenge #53, too."  
  • Take photos of your party and create a scrapbook page.
  • Make a card or recipe card with your favorite dip for chips
If you choose one of the options above, CLICK HERE to enter the paper crafting project.  This is an optional twist.

THING 2: Double Dare
says, "Please join our Goof Off Party and enter only your Chip Shapes in Inlinkz below. We are eager to see your findings! Please join us in this goofy experience - there will be a prize for the most creative.

Here are our findings or creations for Chip Shape... 

First the story behind this fun challenge... One of our friends put this particular Chip Shape on Facebook a couple months ago.  When we saw the two National celebrations this month it was so appropriate to create a Goof Off Day and create Chip Shapes.  We, the Things and Sneetches, put this together on very short notice and we're looking forward to seeing what you create at your Chip Shape Party. Please join us!  

Melanie Richards 
Ship Shape Chip Shape

Chip Shape Cobra 

Tortilla and Chocolate Chip Shapes

My Little Cracker Village

Emoji Chip Shapes

Donna Scholz 
Let The Battle Begin  

Guinea Pig Head Chip Shape

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Challenge #51 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

Before announcing our Top 3 - 
We have a DT call for some Sneetches

We are expanding at Double Trouble and we are looking for talented crafters who love to share their joy of paper crafting with others. You do not have to have experience as a Design Team member but we would prefer you have a Blog. We have formed two teams and would like to add a few Sneetches to each Team. If you are interested click HERE for detail on responsibilities and how to apply.  If you feel you can meet the responsibilities for Sneetches please submit your applications by March 29th. 

Congratulations to our Top 3
Wearin' of the Green #51  

We love all of your fabulous designs and we appreciate the love and support you have given our challenges. There were so many awesome entries and with the volume of entrants we have selected a fourth as it was difficult to select only three. Now, in no particular order, here are the top 4. Please take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our homepage.

07- Carole J 
14-Amelia B 
23-Scrappy Horses 
56-Heather Mills 

Random Draw Prize: 
There were 59 entries plus additional chances were given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist of "something gold" and/or sharing with our partner Heart2Heart.  Our winner was selected by

Congratulations to the Winner  -  08-Cat Nowak  

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your mailing address at

Click HERE or scroll down for Challenge #52,  
Current Challenge "Die-lious and Punchy" 
Optional Twist "Spring/Bee/Honeycomb" and
partnering with Bitten By the Bug "Spring Equinox" 

Please follow us and participate in future fun challenges. 
Invite your friends and families to join in the fun 
at Double Trouble Challenges.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Challenge #52 "Die-lirious and Punchy" partnering with Bitten By the Bug

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge
and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read the information so you don't get into trouble. 
Consider becoming a follower and use our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

We are expanding at Double Trouble and we are looking for talented crafters who love to share their joy of paper crafting with others. You do not have to have experience as a Design Team member but we would prefer you have a Blog. We have formed two teams and would like to add a few Sneetches to each Team. If you are interested click HERE for detail on responsibilities and how to apply.  If you feel you can meet the responsibilities for Sneetches please submit your applications by March 29th to 

WELCOME to Challenge #52 - Let the Troubles Begin 

"Die-lirious and Punchy"

THING 1:  Trouble Maker
says, "I'm feeling Die-lirious and Punchy!  Include at least one Spring item on your project made with  punches, dies, cutting machines and even fussy-cutting, i.e. hand punches, die-cutting machines, Cricut, Silhouette, Scan & Cut, scissors, etc."    

You can stop here...
OR, you can choose to include Twisted Sister's Optional Twist below to earn additional chances at our random draw.  

THING 3:  Twisted Sister
says, "Winter is behind us and Spring is just around the corner what many believe to be the best season of them all!  I hope I'm not bugging you; but it's time to put some sweetness in our projects and why not include a bee, the makers of honey, or their honeycombs.    

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw if you include this twist in your project.

THING 2:  Double Dare
says, "Bitten By the Bug is a challenge that usually requires cuts from your Cricut machine, however, we CUT a Real Die'al with them." 

For this challenge Bitten By the Bug is accepting the use of hand punches, die-cutting machines, but NO fussy-cutting! Besides using a Cricut you are free to use a Silhouette, a Brother Scan and Cut or other similar devices. In your blog post be sure to tell us what you used.  

So, if you have used a Spring theme and at least one cut from any of these machines, you can click on Bitten By the Bug "Spring Equinox" Challenge and enter your project.  You don't need to use Twisted Sister's optional twist to enter and you will still earn an additional chance at the Double Trouble Random Draw. 

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

March Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Now it's your turn...

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Challenge #50 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

Before announcing our Top 3 - 
We have a DT call for some Sneetches

We are expanding at Double Trouble and we are looking for talented crafters who love to share their joy of paper crafting with others. You do not have to have experience as a Design Team member but we would prefer you have a Blog. We have formed two teams and would like to add a few Sneetches to each Team. If you are interested click HERE for detail on responsibilities and how to apply.  If you feel you can meet the responsibilities for Sneetches please submit your applications by March 29th. 

Congratulations to our Top 3
It's A Tall Order #50 
We love all of your fabulous designs and we appreciate the love and support you have given our challenges. Thanks to the ones that went out of their A2 comfort zone to create a Tall & Skinny card, along with stacking up a variety pack of cuties.  There were so many awesome entries it was difficult to select only three.  Now, in no particular order, here are the "It's a Tall Order" Top 3. Please take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our homepage. 

02-Debi B 
08-Jean Chaney 
22-Melanie Hungerford 

Random Draw Prize: 
There were 33 entries plus additional chances were given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist of "stacking up" and/or sharing with our partner Try Stampin' on Tuesday.  Our winner was selected by

Congratulations to the Winner  -  32-Karen C. 

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your mailing address at

Click HERE or scroll down for Challenge #51,  
"Let's Go Green" 
Optional Twist "include something Gold" and
partnering with Heart2Heart "Put on Your Green" 

Please follow us and participate in future fun challenges. 
Invite your friends and families to join in the fun 
at Double Trouble Challenges.