Monday, March 30, 2020

Fun Challenge - National Goof Off Day and National Chip and Dip Day

National Goof Off Day Celebration
"Chip Shapes" 

THING 1: Trouble Maker 
says, "Oops, we missed a couple of fun celebrations during our last challenge. National Goof Off Day and National Chip and Dip Day. We thought this would be a good time to Goof Off since many of us are staying at home and looking for things to do. If you have children at home maybe they would like to join, too."

Grab your favorite Chip Snacks or two... this can be potato chips, corn chips, tortilla chips, crackers, pretzels, etc. The dip is any type that goes with the chip of your choice. While you're enjoying your Chips... Look for Chip Shapes that resemble something else, or make something unique out of your snacks. But don't eat your findings until you take a photo or two. You can enjoy this while you are creating but you may want to have hand wipes nearby. 

THING 3: Twisted Sister says, "Here are some ideas for fun at your party and complete a project for the Something, Anything, Everything Challenge #53, too."  
  • Take photos of your party and create a scrapbook page.
  • Make a card or recipe card with your favorite dip for chips
If you choose one of the options above, CLICK HERE to enter the paper crafting project.  This is an optional twist.

THING 2: Double Dare
says, "Please join our Goof Off Party and enter only your Chip Shapes in Inlinkz below. We are eager to see your findings! Please join us in this goofy experience - there will be a prize for the most creative.

Here are our findings or creations for Chip Shape... 

First the story behind this fun challenge... One of our friends put this particular Chip Shape on Facebook a couple months ago.  When we saw the two National celebrations this month it was so appropriate to create a Goof Off Day and create Chip Shapes.  We, the Things and Sneetches, put this together on very short notice and we're looking forward to seeing what you create at your Chip Shape Party. Please join us!  

Melanie Richards 
Ship Shape Chip Shape

Chip Shape Cobra 

Tortilla and Chocolate Chip Shapes

My Little Cracker Village

Emoji Chip Shapes

Donna Scholz 
Let The Battle Begin  

Guinea Pig Head Chip Shape


KT Fit Kitty said...

Such a fun challenge! You and your team are super creative! Hubby Brian got to work on this one for me and came up with some great creations. He made 6 but I'm assuming the limit is 4 so I only linked 4 of them. The other two are also on my blog post so you won't miss out! Thanks for the fun! Happy National Chip and Dip Day!

Melanie R said...

Thank you for your participation, Kitty!

Janis Lewis said...

LOL fun projects!