Monday, May 25, 2020

Challenge #57 - Week 2 - "Brown Bag-It Day" and Crafting Happiness "Red"

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge
and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #57 - Week 2 
Let the Troubles Begin

"Brown Bag-It Day"

THING 1:  Trouble Maker
says, "Our second week in celebration of National Brown Bag-It Day, the Unknown Comic from the late Gong Show again wants to inspire our challenge."  Create a project using Kraft paper for scrapbook pages, cards, boxes, or even a brown paper bag decorated for party favors.  

Don't get the GONG, 
Come play aLONG!  

You can stop here...
OR, you can choose to use Twisted Sister's Optional Twists below for additional chances in our random draw and entry in Crafting Happiness.     

THING 3: Twisted Sister
says, "Brown bags? OMG, this brings back memories. I loved my little red wagon. My mom would lift me into the wagon first, and then the grocery bags. Sometimes my cat, Cleo, would jump in, too. I remember Mama laughing and saying, 'Look at Cleo, her tail is WAGON'.  

"The twist, in memory of my little red wagon, is to use some Red in your Kraft project.  

This is an optional twists and will earn you an additional chance at our random draw. 

THING 2: Double Dare
says, "I double dare you again to play along this second week with our partner, Crafting Happiness, for this week using Trouble Maker's requirement, 'Kraft'." and their optional theme:    

Just remember that whatever you decide to do, you must accomplish Thing 1's Kraft or paper bag requirement for the additional chance at our Double Dare random draw.

Challenge #57 "Kraft and Red" - Week 2 
Starts Monday (25th-30th) 
For inspiration... here are our Things: 

Linda Robertson

and our Sneetches' inspirations... 

Donna Scholz 

Kellianne Wilson
Week 1 "Kraft & Kids"

May Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin
Lillian Abrams 

Week 1 - "Kraft & Kids" 

Now it's your turn... 

Challenge #56 - Top 3 and Random Draw

Before announcing our Top 3 

Click HERE or scroll Up for Challenge #57 - Week 2 
"Brown Bag-It Day" Use Kraft  
Optional Twist "Red" 
Share with Crafting Happiness Challenges

Congratulations to our Top 3 
Birthday Blow-Out     

We love all of your fabulous designs and we appreciate the love and support you have given our challenges. There were so many awesome entries and again difficult to choose only 3.    Now, in no particular order, here are the top 3.  Please take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our homepage. 

13-Angie McKenzie 
22-Michelle Loncar 
41-Becca Yahrling 

Random Draw Winner: 
There were 42 entries plus additional chances were given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist of "Things that Fly" and sharing with Joy of Sets TicTacToe Challenge.  Our winner was selected by

Congratulations to the Winner  

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your mailing address at

Please follow us and participate in future fun challenges. 
Invite your friends and families to join in the fun 
at Double Trouble Challenges.  

Monday, May 18, 2020

Challenge #57 - Week 1 "Brown Bag-It Day" and partnering with Crafting Happiness

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge
and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #57 - Let the Troubles Begin

"Brown Bag-It Day" 

THING 1:  Trouble Maker
says, "In celebration of National Brown Bag-It Day, I've asked the Unknown Comic from the late Gong Show to inspire our challenge."  Create a project using Kraft paper for scrapbook pages, cards, boxes, or even a brown paper bag decorated for party favors. 
Don't get the GONG, 
Come play aLONG!  

You can stop here...
OR, you can choose to use Twisted Sister's Optional Twists below for additional chances in our random draw and entry in Crafting Happiness.     

THING 3: Twisted Sister
says, "Brown bags? OMG, this brings back memories. I loved my little red wagon. My mom would lift me into the wagon first, and then the grocery bags. Sometimes my cat, Cleo, would jump in, too. I remember Mama laughing and saying, 'Look at Cleo, her tail is WAGON'.  

"The twist, in memory of my little red wagon, is to create a Kid's project to include at least one favorite item or toy from childhood, i.e., shoes, toys, clothing, jump rope, etc. and then enter the first week at Crafting Happiness Challenge #49."  

For the second week, if you decide to enter Crafting Happiness Challenge #50 just add red to Trouble Maker's Kraft project.   

These are optional twists and will earn you additional chances at our random draw. 

THING 2: Double Dare
says, "I double dare you to play along with our partner, Crafting Happiness, for the next two weeks using Trouble Maker's requirement, 'Kraft'." and their optional themes:    

This is a weekly challenge, meaning you only need to make one project for either #49 or #50 OR you can join in the Double Double Dare and create for each week's project. 

Just remember that whatever you decide to do, you must accomplish Thing 1's Kraft or paper bag requirement for the additional chance at our Double Dare random draw.  

Challenge #49 "Kids" - Starts Monday (18th-24th) 
For inspiration... here are our Things: 

May Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin
Lillian Abrams 

Challenge #50 "Red" - Starts Monday (25th - 31st)
Come back Monday for more Inspiration from DT  

Now it's your turn... 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Challenge #55 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

Before announcing our Top 3 

Click HERE or scroll Up for Challenge #57, 
"Brown Bag-It Day" Use Kraft  
Optional: Wk 1"Kids" and Wk 1 "Red" 
Share with Crafting Happiness Challenges

Congratulations to our Top 3 
"Spring Things"    

We love all of your fabulous designs and we appreciate the love and support you have given our challenges. There were so many awesome entries and difficult to choose only 3.    Now, in no particular order, here are the top 3.  Please take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our homepage. 

03-Jean Chaney
33-Art Gypsy 

Random Draw Winner: 
There were 59 entries plus additional chances were given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist of "Something Related to Water" and sharing with Joy of Sets TicTacToe Challenge.  Our winner was selected by

Congratulations to the Winner  

35-Lisa Lynn's Card Creations

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your mailing address at

Please follow us and participate in future fun challenges. 
Invite your friends and families to join in the fun 
at Double Trouble Challenges.  

Monday, May 4, 2020

Challenge #56 "Birthday BlowOut" partnering with The Joy of Sets "TicTacToe"

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge
 and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #56 -
 Let the Troubles Begin 

"Birthday Blow-Out"  

THING 1:  Trouble Maker    
says, "I was watching 'SpongeBob's Birthday Blowout' and even though his birthday isn't until July, I thought, 'Let's create birthday projects!' It's always good to have birthday cards on hand or to catch-up with scrapbooking our Birthday Celebrations.  This will also provide a starting point in our partner's TicTacToe challenge."  

You can stop here... 
OR you can choose to complete either or both of Twisted Sister's TicTacToe twists along with the "Birthday"  theme. Here is the TicTacToe board:

THING 3:  Twisted Sister
says, "I love SpongeBob! Let's create a sponged background and/or sponged item to help you with another element on the TicTacToe board."

AND now Twisted Sister is singing, "Let's twist again, twistin' time is here! "If you choose to twist again by including 'Thing(s) that Fly' then you have completed a TicTacToe left-to-right diagonal. You are ready to join in with Double Dare." 

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw if you include either or both twists in your project.  

THING 2:  Double Dare
says, "If you created a birthday project and included Twisted Sister's options, you have already completed a TicTacToe left-to-right diagonal at Joy of Sets TicTacToe Challenge #17.   

"If you have completed a birthday project using two other TicTacToe elements you may still enter. You are eligible for an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw."  

Click HERE to enter your project for Joy of Sets TicTacToe. The new TicTacToe challenge started on May 2nd and we will allow entries to Double Trouble backlinking to that date so  you too are eligible for our random draw prize.  

For inspiration... here are our Things: 
Left Dia: Birthday, Things that Fly, Sponging

May Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin
Lillian Abrams 

Now it's your turn...