Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.
WELCOME to Challenge #56 -
Let the Troubles Begin
"Birthday Blow-Out"
THING 1: Trouble Maker
says, "I was watching 'SpongeBob's Birthday Blowout' and even though his birthday isn't until July, I thought, 'Let's create birthday projects!' It's always good to have birthday cards on hand or to catch-up with scrapbooking our Birthday Celebrations. This will also provide a starting point in our partner's TicTacToe challenge."
You can stop here...
OR you can choose to complete either or both of Twisted Sister's TicTacToe twists along with the "Birthday" theme. Here is the TicTacToe board:

THING 3: Twisted Sister
says, "I love SpongeBob! Let's create a sponged background and/or sponged item to help you with another element on the TicTacToe board."
AND now Twisted Sister is singing, "Let's twist again, twistin' time is here! "If you choose to twist again by including 'Thing(s) that Fly' then you have completed a TicTacToe left-to-right diagonal. You are ready to join in with Double Dare."
This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw if you include either or both twists in your project.
says, "If you created a birthday project and included Twisted Sister's options, you have already completed a TicTacToe left-to-right diagonal at Joy of Sets TicTacToe Challenge #17.
"If you have completed a birthday project using two other TicTacToe elements you may still enter. You are eligible for an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw."
Click HERE to enter your project for Joy of Sets TicTacToe. The new TicTacToe challenge started on May 2nd and we will allow entries to Double Trouble backlinking to that date so you too are eligible for our random draw prize.
For inspiration... here are our Things:
Left Dia: Birthday, Things that Fly, Sponging
Melanie Richards (1 of 2)

Melanie Richards (2 of 2)
Linda Robertson

Melanie Richards (2 of 2)
Linda Robertson
and our Sneetches' inspirations...
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