Monday, January 18, 2021

Challenge #75 "KAZOO-a-Long" partnering with Try Stampin on Tuesday

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenges
and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble.
Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge
 or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #75
 Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Friday, January 18, 2021, thru Sunday, January 31, 2021 

THING 1: Trouble Make 
says, "National Kazoo Day is January 28th and special to me.  Such a fun musical instrument for someone who can't carry a tune in a basket, but, Boy! Could I play the Kazoo... 'I feel a song coming on'! You may want to sing along with Dean Martin while you are creating your project. In celebration of Kazoo Day, let's see your best effort to use music in your project, i.e., instruments, sheet music, musical notes, etc. with paper, dies, embossing, stamps -  you name it or sing it."

You can stop here... 
OR, you may OPT to use this sketch from Try Stampin' on Tuesday #490 below - or not.  However, it's an excellent sketch in which to incorporate the music theme. Feel free to change the orientation of the sketch... rotate the sketch or use its mirror image.   

TRIVIA: The original Kazoo Factory was close to my home and kazoos were gifted many times. Family, neighbors, and friends joined in Kazoo-a-longs, parades, and campfire fun. Click on Kazoo Factory for history. 

THING 3:  Twisted Sister 
says, "What's a Ka-Zoo? I bet it's a place to see a 
Ka-ngaroo or a Ka-oala Bear, or a Ka-kapo... so I'm going to the Ka-Zoo."  What child doesn't like to visit a Zoo... great for a birthday card or scrapbook layout... let's see what you create.    

The optional twist is to include any zoo animal within our musical theme and earn another chance for the Random Draw. 


THING 2:  Double Dare 
says, "If you have met Thing 1's requirement to "KaZoo-a-long" with our music theme and have used the Try Stampin' on Tuesday #490 Sketch, you are eligible to enter your project at Try Stampin' on Tuesday HERE, even if you have not included a Zoo animal.  

If you have entered your musical theme card on Monday at Double Trouble and used their sketch you are still eligible to enter your card on Tuesday at Try Stampin' on Tuesday.     
If you enter their challenge you get another chance for the random draw prize.   

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

January Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Now it's your turn...  

After you link below, come back and SHARE with us on Instagram 
using #doubletroublechallengeblog and FOLLOW us.  

Challenge #74 - Top Three and Random Draw Winners

Congratulations to our Top Three Winners!

We enjoyed all of your fabulous designs and we appreciate the love and support you have given our challenges.  We hope you all enjoyed our "Cuddle Up Day" Challenge #74 as much as we enjoyed seeing your creativity. Now, in numeric order, here are the Top 3. Please take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our homepage. 

#18 - Tindaloo

#22 - Rosina

#27 - Jill Rugg

Congratulations to the Random Draw Winner!

There were 27 entries plus additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and sharing your project with our partner.  Our winner was selected by

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your mailing address to

To return to our current challenge click the photo in the sidebar of our blog.  
Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges. 
Don't forget to invite your friends and families 
to join in the fun at Double Trouble Challenges.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Challenge #73 - Top Three and Special Holiday Winners

Congratulations to our Top Three Six!

We enjoyed all of your fabulous designs and we appreciate the love and support you have given our challenges. We hope you all enjoyed our "Die-lirious Holiday Season" Challenge #73 as much as we enjoyed your creativity.  

Because this challenge ran for the month of December, and there were so many entries, we decided to select SIX Top 3 Winners. In addition, we have one winner in each of four categories who will each receive a $15 Gift Certificate.

For winners of the four categories, your prizes will be on the way as soon as you contact us with your current e-mail address at  

Now, in numeric order, here are our SIX Top 3:

#5 - Denise Sayers

#11 - Bonnie in Kersey 

#23 - Meghan Kennihan 

#32 - Niki1 & #50 - Niki1

#66 - Alicia O'Bryant 

#75 - Marie Bingaman

Category 1 Winner:  Card 

#73 - Donna W

Category 2 Winner: Gift Bag

#38 - Scrappy Horses

Category 3 Winner:  Scrapbook Page

#65 - Just Jill  

Category 4 Winner:  Cricut  

#52 - Allisa 

Congratulations to the Random Draw Winner!
There were 83 entries plus additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and sharing your project with our partner.  Our winner was selected by 

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your mailing address at

To return to our current challenge click the photo in the sidebar of our blog 
or page down to the previous post 

Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges. 
Don't forget to invite your friends and families 
to join in the fun at Double Trouble Challenges.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Challenge #74 - "Cuddle Up Day" partnering with ColorMyHeart Color Dare

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenges
and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #74 - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge has an early start date from 
Friday, January 1, 2021, thru Sunday, January 17, 2021 
"Cuddle Up Day"  

Thing 1:  Trouble Maker 
says, "After getting through 2020 we all need a bit of cuddling! January 6th is National Cuddle Up Day.  We are dedicating our challenge to using our CuttleBugs (or Big Shots, Geminis, Biras, etc.), with embossing folders and/or dies.  

Create a project to reflect warmth, i.e. quilt design, sweaters, mittens, blankets, or even a warm sentiment. 

Note:  If you want to enter Color Dare's Challenge below use at least three colors from our partner's Inspiration Photo below, but this portion of challenge at Color Dare ends 1/14; but Double Trouble is still open until 1/17.    

You can stop here... 
OR, you can decide to use the Optional Twist below.  

Thing 3:  
Twisted Sister 
says, "
The photo reminds me of a song, "Looks Like a Cold, Cold Winter".  I remember singing, 'It's gonna be cold outside, but it's gonna be warm inside, so we'll cuddle up by a cozy fire, side by side.' To sing along with Bing Crosby click HERE."  

Brrrrr!  When it's cold I enjoy cuddling up with my cat.  I don't want Jack Frost nipping at my nose and Kitty knows how to keep him away.  Optional Twist:  Include a fuzzy or cuddly critter in your project and earn another chance for the Random Draw. 

Thing 2:  Double Dare 
says, "If you have included Thing 1's requirement, and have at least three colors from Color My Heart Color Dare's Inspirational Photo, you are eligible to enter your project HERE for their Challenge #425.  This is optional but if you enter their challenge you get another chance for the random draw prize.   

The Color Dare Challenge ends on Thursday, January 14th, so don't forget to get your entry in on time.  

Double Trouble Challenge will end on Sunday, January 17th, as usual.   

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:
Crazy Cousin 

Now it's your turn...  

After you link below, come back and SHARE with us on Instagram 
using #doubletroublechallengeblog and FOLLOW us.