Sunday, August 1, 2021

Challenge #90 "Are you Kitten Me" partnering with 2CraftingCritterCrazies "Critters"

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenges and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Random Draw Winners for Challenge #89 
and previous challenges
can be viewed by clicking HERE 

WELCOME to Challenge #90 - Let the Troubles Begin 
This Challenge runs from 
Sunday, August 1st thru Thursday, August 19th 
"Are You Kitten Me"  

Thing 1:  Trouble Maker
says, "Cleo, my purr-ty furbaby, is excited that August 8th is International Cat Day. She's "feline" that purr-haps it's time for us to do something claw-some. Cleo wants to celebrate all of her fur-ends by creating a project that includes any cute or baby animal, e.g. kitten, puppy, chick, elephant. She thinks this challenge is a paw-sibility, it's purr-fect and will be pun for all."  

Make sure you go to the end of post for Cleo's Special Random Draw "Mew and Your Paw-some Pet" for rules of elibibility for the prize of $50 in CTMH (Close to My Heart) Products.  

You can paws here...
go to Twisted Sister's optional twist for an additional chance to our random draw.  

Thing 3: Twisted Sister
says, "Paw-don me, are you kitten me? This is hiss-terical! I am purr-ple with laughter. Let's see if mew can come up with a pun for your cute or baby animal or feel free to use one of ours. Have some pun with this optional twist."  

Whether you have or have not used this optional twist you may still join Double Dare's Dare below.  

Thing 2:  Double Trouble
says, "Is this fur real? Let's paws... I think I need a cat-titude adjustment. As long as mew have included a cute or baby animal, do not fur-get to enter your project HERE at 2CraftyCritterCrazies. I'm sure they will also like to see your claw-some projects."  

Don't paws here but,  
check out Cleo's 'Mew and Your Paw-some Pet" additional Special Random Draw located after the Design Team's inspirational projects.  

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

 Melanie Richards 
"It's All About Cattitude."

Welcome Back, Tracey!  
Tracey was our original Twisted Sister and she's back after a hiatus to get settled into a second home as a "Snowbird" in Arizona while maintaining her home in Washington State.  

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Aug Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

"Mew and Your Paw-some Pet" Special Random Draw

CLEO's Not Kitten Around... Special Random Draw - $50 CTMH (Close to My Heart) Products of Your Choice. Cleo wants to celebrate International Cat Day with her fur-ends (kittens and puppies) for this Special Random Draw. (See our Guidelines for prize eligibility.)  

We need to have at least 25 paw-ticipants.   You must be a paw-ticipant in Thing 1 "Trouble Maker's" Challenge #90 If you have multiple fur-babies you may enter either a group photo or a photo of each but you will be counted as one paw-ticipant for the special draw.  

To enter... All you need to do is take a photo of mew (you) and your paw-some pet.  Put this photo in your personal blog along with your Challenge #90 post. We would love to know a little bit about your furbaby... so in your post use at least five words or more in describing your furbaby's purr-sonality.  Then enter your photo under the heading, "Mew and Your Paw-some Pet" below with direct link to your post and include your name and pet's name on title of entry.
"Mew and Your Paw-some Pet" Link Photo here - Do Not Add your project for Challenge #90 here, page down to "Challenge #90".  

Now it's your turn... 
Link below for our regular Challenge #90
After you link below, come back and SHARE with us on Instagram using #doubletroublechallengeblog and FOLLOW us. 

1 comment:

KT Fit Kitty said...

Thanks for the challenge and adorable inspiration! I love these themes as I love animals and I love puns! I just linked up my first card. I am hoping to get Brian to take a photo of me and Honeydew, our only remaining cat of the three, so I can join the photo challenge. Actually I like this idea a lot as I only have one photo of myself with Honeydew and it's several years old. I'll be back (hopefully)!