Monday, May 30, 2022

Challenge #112 - May 30 - June 5 (SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing)

 Click HERE for an introduction to our challenges and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Random Draw Winners for 
Challenge #111 and previous challenges 
can be viewed by clicking HERE 

WELCOME to Challenge #112  - Let the Troubles Begin! 
5th Monday - One Week Challenge
From Monday, May 30th thru Sunday, June 6th

"SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing"  

THING 1: Trouble Maker
says, "It's time again to grab your bone folder and other crafty stuff and create something new. We think this is easier than folding a fitted sheet! It's time to use the stuff you have in your stash (new and/or old)."

You can stop here...

OR,  enjoy additional fun with Twisted Sister's Optional Twist below to earn extra chances in our random draw. 

THING 3:  Twisted Sister
says, "I discovered an occasion in June called 'Repeat Day'. Repeat Day is a day that offers an opportunity to do something or to use something over and over. Repeat Day is a day that offers an opportunity to do something or to use something over and over. 

"Let's give the occasion a nod by using the same stamped or digital image more than once on the front of your project. You may choose to use an exact duplicate OR use a companion image, provided it coordinates with your original image."

Companion Examples: If you select a cat, the first may be a  sleeping cat and the repeated companion can be a cat at play.  Another example is if you are using an umbrella - one may be open, the other closed.

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw if you include this twist in your project.  

THING 2:  Double Dare 
says, "I dare you to multiply the fun by linking your project with any previous partner(s) listed below. You will qualify for extra chances in our Random Draw.

"Make sure you read their guidelines carefully and observe their dates. We don't want you to get into trouble."

This means each time you link to a previous partner with the same card, you gain an additional chance in our Random Draw. Please identify each of them in your blog along with our Double Trouble link.  

Here are our Things... 

Suzanne Reynolds 
Partnered with: ColorMyHeart Color Dare #497

Partnered with: Crafter's Cafe "Spots and/or Stripes" 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Alyson Mayo 
Partnered with: Creative Creases 

May Guest Designer  
Crazy Cousin
Partnered with: Creative Creases 

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Challenge #111 "Let's Brown Bag It" partnering with Crafter's Cafe "Spots and/or Stripes"

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenges and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Random Draw Winners for 
Special Event #110 Coffee Lover's Blog Hop 
and Challenge #109 plus previous challenges 
can be viewed by clicking HERE 

WELCOME to Challenge #111- Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Monday, May 16th thru Sunday, May 29th 
"Let's Brown Bag It"  

Thing 1:  Trouble Maker 
says, "
Hey, did you know Pack Rat Day is this month? C'mon, admit it... you're a Pack Rat and, like the rest of us scrappers, you're in good company. You know those crumpled brown paper grocery bags or the kind for packed lunches that you have probably accumulated? Before you throw them away, let's make use of the bags for some Kraft crafting. In other words in your project we want you to use that brown paper bag, Kraft paper, or similar for a card, treat bag, scrapbook page, etc."

You can stop here... 
play along with Twisted Sister's optional twist below to earn another chance in our random draw.  

Thing 3:  Twisted Sister 
says, "I've come out from hiding under my heaps of Things. It's really easy to let Things pile up. After all, surely each item has value or purpose. 'Ya just never know. I figure you're a Pack Rat if you can find something in your stash with spots and/or stripes. Use patterned papers, stencils, embossing, stamps, dies or freehand, etc., and add them to your project. Before you trash, check your stash, and for my optional twist show me "spots and/or stripes" in your project."  

If you have included  "spots and/or stripes" you have earned another chance in our Random Draw and are eligible for Double Dare's Dare below. 

Thing 2:  Double Dare 
says, "If you have met Thing 1's requirement using Kraft and have included spots and/or stripes in your project you are eligible to enter your project HERE  at Crafter's Cafe Challenge Blog.  

"If you have published your project on Sunday, May 15th, the opening date of Crafter's Cafe Challenge #285, you will be permitted to submit your project in our challenge on Monday, May 16th."   

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 

Challenge #109 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners + Special Event Coffee Lovers Blog Hop Random Draw Winner

Congratulations to our Top Three Winners!

We enjoyed all of your fabulous designs and we appreciate your participation in our challenges. We hope you enjoyed Challenge #109 "Some Day Over the Rainbow" as much as we enjoyed seeing your projects.    

Now, in numeric order, here are the Top 3.    Please take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

Challenge #109 - Congratulations to the Random Draw Winner!

There were 32 entries plus additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and sharing your project with our partner. Our winner was selected by 

Challenge #110 - Congratulations to the Blog Candy Winner for Special Event Coffee Lover's Blog Hop 

There were 9 eligible commenters in this challenge with 16 chances for our Blog Candy random draw, and our winner is:  

says, "Thank you so much for being a sponsor for the summer hop. I enjoy these so much… I enjoy all the new products and getting ideas to make cards. I have commented on all of the sites. Newtons Nook is a favorite. I also play with all of your challenges…don’t necessarily have a favorite.. I enjoy them all."

#109 and #110 - Your prizes will be on its way as soon as you provide your postal mailing address to

Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges.
Don't forget to invite your friends and family members
 to join in the fun at Double Trouble Challenges. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Special Event #110 - 2022 Coffee Lovers Spring/Summer Blog Hop

WELCOME to a Special Event! 
This is Double Trouble #110 Blog Candy 
and we're playing along with the
Beginning Friday, May 6th at 6:30 am (PT)
through Friday, May 13th
Look for "Eye Candy" Projects by the Double Trouble Design Team
 with a Wrap-Up posting on Friday, May 13th  

Thing 1: Trouble Maker
says, "We are very FRAPPE that the 2022 Coffee Lover’s Spring/Summer Blog Hop is here again. It’s always BEAN one of my favorite Blog Hops but they are shaking things up and running this like a traditional industry hop.

"Deja-BREW with a TWIST. What does this mean? You won't be linking any projects for this one... simply comment on the super sponsors of your choice to be eligible for a prize. Each sponsor is offering something special so read the details at each of your selected sponsors to ensure you are eligible. Who knows? You may even want to shop while you hop!   

"So let’s get started… Rise and GRIND, throw on a TEAshirt and sweats, grab a CUPPA your favorite, and don’t be LATTE. This Blog Hop is ESPRESSO-ly meant for you to enjoy all the CRAFTEINATING inspiration so hop along, stay GROUNDED, and no ProCAFFEINATING."

You can stop here,
OR, Go to Twisted Sister's and Double Trouble's Optional Twists for our 
Blog Candy Giveaway.  

Thing 3:  Twisted Sister 
says, "Here are the sponsors participating in this Blog Hop, click HERE to see all participating sponsors.  To be eligible for our Blog Candy you must be a participant in this Coffee Lovers Blog Hop (see Thing 1) and comment on this DTC Blog post to let us know the name of at least one of the sponsors where you commented.  

Thing 2:  Double Dare 
says, "AND for yet another chance in our random draw, tell us in your comment the challenge number of your favorite Double Trouble Challenge. If you have not yet entered any of our challenges, simply follow us and/or join us in the current Challenge #109 "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" or a future fun challenge.  

Random Draw Winner for 
Double Trouble #110 Blog Candy 
announced HERE on Sat May 14th 


Monday, May 2, 2022

Challenge #109 - "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" partnering with Colorful Options Color Challenge

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenges and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Random Draw Winners for 
Challenge 108 and previous challenges 
can be viewed by clicking HERE 

WELCOME to Challenge #109  - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Monday, May 2nd thru Sunday, May 15th
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow"  

Thing 1: Trouble Maker says, "Oh, no! I missed International Rainbow Day in April. How did I overlook this? My favorite song is "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" and I'm losing sleep because of Stuck Song Syndrome. I need an 'eraser tune' to help me get rid of Stuck Song Syndrome, but not until we have created a project using rainbow colors.

"If you choose not to include a rainbow or rainbow colors our partner has given us the flexibility to create a project using any shade of pink as your predominant color. What a great choice!"

FUN TRIVIA: STUCK SONG SYNDROME:  Have you ever heard of Earworms? This is the scientific term for Stuck Song Syndrome. Click HERE to learn more.

You can stop here...
play along with Twisted Sister's optional twist below to earn another chance in our random draw.

Thing 3:  Twisted Sister
says, "What's a rainbow without fantasy? Include something make-believe like a pot of gold, unicorns, fairies, mermaids, gnomes, wizards, dragons, etc. We'll let you decide."

Optional Twist: If you have included a touch of fantasy in your project you will earn another chance in our Random Draw.

Thing 2:  Double Dare
says, "If you have met Thing 1's requirement using a rainbow of colors or the color pink as predominant, you are eligible to enter your project HERE at Colorful Options "Pink and/or Rainbow".

We are joining our partner for the first two weeks of May, however, be aware that the Colorful Options Challenge is a monthly challenge."

SNEAK PEEK:  Watch for a Special 2022 Spring/Summer Coffee Lovers Blog Hop starting this Friday, May 6th - May 13th... Hop Week filled with Design Team inspiration and many prizes. Please stop by on Friday and click HERE for our Special Event #110.  

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:


May Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 

Challenge #108 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

Congratulations to our Top Three Winners!

We enjoyed all of your fabulous designs and we appreciate your participation in our challenges. We hope you enjoyed Challenge #108 "Frame It" as much as we enjoyed seeing your projects.    

Now, in numeric order, here are the Top 3.    Please take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

41-Ditsy Print (Prudence N)

Congratulations to the Random Draw Winner!

There were 56 eligible entries plus additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and sharing your project with our partner. Our winner was selected by 

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your postal mailing address to

Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges.
Don't forget to invite your friends and family members
 to join in the fun at Double Trouble Challenges.