Friday, December 2, 2022

Challenge #127 "Kaleidoscope of Colors" with Colorful Options Color Challenges

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenges and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Random Draw Winners for 
Challenge #126 and previous challenges 
can be viewed by clicking HERE 

Before we go to our December Challenge, please note our 
Change in Start Dates for December and January

Challenge #128 "SomeThing AnyThing, EveryThing" will start on December 29th ending on January 5th instead of our usual 5th Monday of the month to accommodate our Friday Challenges for January.  

January Challenges:  Since we have lost some of our Monday partners, we have confirmed two challenges that start on Friday, January 6th and January 20th.  February we will be back to 1st and 3rd Monday challenges.  

WELCOME to Challenge #127 - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This challenge runs from 
Friday, December 2nd thru Wednesday, December 28th, 2022 
"Kaleidoscope of Colors"
Your Theme, and Choose Thing 1, 2 or 3 for your Palette of Color(s)
Since our Challenge is for the full month of December you can have up to eight entries.  

Thing 1: Trouble Maker
says, "If you are seeking open challenges in December this is the challenge for you. Here is your opportunity to finish cards for the winter holidays, or perhaps for any other occasions you choose.  You are free to pick any theme and your favorite color palette.  

"In addition to my randomly drawn prize, Twisted Sister and Double Dare will each have their own random draw so you may wish to consider their favorite color palettes provided by our partner, Colorful Options. (My regular random draw will include all entries including these special color palettes.) We can't wait to see what you create."

Thing 3: Twisted Sister
says, "Oh my, I just came back from checking out the Colorful Options Challenge inspiration photo which elicits images of snow, weddings, anniversaries, and other special occasions. Wow! 'White' is their color of the month. There is nothing as chic as an all-white design. 

"Use your imagination and rely on textures and layering from things in your stash such as embossing folders, stitching, frame and image dies, doilies, other white embellishments, etc. As an exception, you may use black or a choice of one other color for the sentiment and/or for a minimal splash of color. Just keep your project predominantly white.” 

Thing 2: Double Dare
says, "After reviewing the inspiration photo, I fell in love with the Colorful Options Challenge 'Rainbow of Color' choice. It may not be as chic as Twisted Sister thinks of her white project but a 'Rainbow of Color' is very creative with so many happy colors.  

"For 'Rainbow of Color' you are free to use the Traditional RYOGBV. However, you are not limited to a traditional palette. Feel free to use a pastel palette OR a neon palette of rainbow colors."   

We are partnering with the Colorful Options Challenge. For additional details on their color options read their guidelines on the sidebar of their blog challenge. If you have created a project using 'Winter White' and/or 'Rainbow of Colors' enter your project HERE at the Colorful Options December Challenge for another chance in our regular or special random draw prizes. 

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

Thing 3 - All White 

Thing 3 - White with a Splash of Color
Thing 3 "All White W/Splash of Color"

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Thing 1: White with Splash of Color  

Thing 2 - Rainbow of Colors

Thing 3 - White with Splash of Color

Thing 2 - Rainbow of Colors

Thing 2 - Rainbow of Colors

Thing 2: White with Splash of Black

December Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Thing 2 - Rainbow of Color 

Thing 1 - My Color Choices 

Now it's your turn... Since our Challenge is for the full month of December you can have up to eight entries.  

After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 


vicky's scrapping passion said...

Thank you Susan,
I am following your advise and submitting here. Thank you for sharing.

Becca Sadler, owner and manager of HQCB and FQCB said...

Wow-mazing to Double Trouble's design team creations and also the Guest Designer's cards!!! Fabulous!!

Inkami said...

Gorgeous card from the team for both white and rainbow themes.