Monday, May 20, 2024

Challenge #167 - "Double Trouble 6th Year Anniversary Raffle"

Click HERE for complete guidelines and please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge
or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Randomly Drawn Winners 
for Challenge #166 and previous challenges
can be viewed by clicking HERE

Challenge #167 - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Monday, May 20th thru Sunday, June 2nd
"Double Trouble 6th Anniversary Raffle"  

THING  1:  Trouble Maker 
says, "May 25, 2018, was our first challenge, and here we are celebrating our Sixth Anniversary. We have appreciated your participation in our challenges over the past six years so to show our appreciation we are having a Celebratory Raffle Event. I also have my brown bag handy in observance of National Brown Bag-It Day, which happens to fall on May 25th so as soon as I eat my bagged lunch we will begin the raffle.

"This was a delicious corned beef sandwich! I have my brown bag ready for the celebration. First, let's place the raffle tickets in the bag then give the bag a shake. Next, it's your turn to pick a Celebratory Raffle Category for your project by picking a raffle ticket. So let the celebration begin!" 

        1. Anniversary or Wedding (Yellow Ticket)
        2. Father's Day or Special Male (Blue Ticket) 
        3. Birthday or New Born (Pink Ticket)  
        4. Graduation  (Green Ticket)  

"After picking a Raffle Category, enter your project in that particular Raffle Color. Scroll down until you see your Raffle Color and Category and enter your project there. To be eligible for the random drawing please take care by linking your project properly."

You can stop here... 
play along with Twisted Sister's optional twist below to earn another chance in our random drawing.  

THING  3:  Twisted Sister 
says, "I joined Trouble Maker for lunch with my PB&J sandwich in a brown bag and was so interested in our 6th Anniversary Raffle that I decided to use my own brown bag for one of the Celebratory Raffle Choices. My optional twist is to use Kraft paper, Kraft-colored cardstock, a brown paper bag, or any product made from Kraft-type paper in your project.  Kraft can be used in any of these categories and is a perfect accompaniment to any combination of colors and/or patterns."
Optional Twist:  If you have included Kraft or Kraft-type paper in your project you will earn another chance in our random drawing. 

THING  2:  Double Dare 
says, "I dare you to multiply the fun by linking your project with any previous partner(s) and you will qualify for extra chances in our random drawing. 

"Make sure you read their guidelines carefully and observe their dates. We don't want you to get into trouble. This means each time you link to a previous partner with the same card, you will earn an additional chance. Please identify each of them in your blog along with our Double Trouble link."                         

"In addition to the Top Three selections from the total of all cards, there will be one randomly drawn winner in each category, so increase your chances for a prize by creating multiple projects for your favorite Raffle Category or create projects in more than one category. Just be sure you post each project as a separate entry.  For each raffle, you can create up to four projects"

Click HERE for a current list of Previous Partners.  

AND DON'T FORGET... Our Sister Challenge, TRY A SKETCH ON TUESDAY, joins us in celebrating our Double Trouble 6th Anniversary Raffle. They have a great sketch which you might want to use as your previous partner in any of the Raffle Categories.  

TSOT also has a Special random drawing for their sketch challenge in celebration of Double Trouble's Anniversary.     

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

Green Raffle Ticket - Graduation 
Partnered with:  Creative Creases 

Blue Raffle Ticket  - Special Male
Partnered with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenges

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Yellow/Gold Raffle Ticket - Anniversary 
Partnered with:  

 Pink Raffle Ticket - Birthday or Newborn 
Partnered with Beautiful Blossoms  

Green Raffle Ticket - Graduation 
Partnered with:  

 Green Raffle Ticket - Graduation 
Partnered with Inspiration Station

Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin
Raffle Ticket Pink - Birthday
Partnered with:  

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us again on Instagram, and follow us for future challenges. 

Click HERE to Enter Project 

Click HERE to Enter Project 

Click HERE to Enter Project 

Click HERE to Enter Project 


Granmargaret said...

Happy anniversary Lovely work by the design team.

ScrappyHorses said...

A huge congrats on your anniversary! Great projects!

Inkami said...

Congratulations to the Double Trouble team on your 6th anniversary, this is a fabulous milestone! Thank you for the creative crafty challenges.