Monday, April 29, 2019

Challenge #27 - 5th Week - SomeThing, AnyThing and EveryThing

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge and HERE for complete guidelines.
NEW - Check out our Secret Sister's special gift in the guidelines.
Please take the time to read our guidelines so you don't get into trouble! Consider becoming a blog follower. Select the participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your own blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #27 -

Let the Troubles Begin!
"Grab your Stuff"

THING 1: Trouble Maker
says, "This is a Free-for-All challenge so have a little fun creating with "Some Thing", "Any Thing" and "Every Thing". Grab your bone folder, your stuff, and create something new."  We think this is easier than folding a fitted sheet! It's time to use "stuff" you haven't used before.  

THING 3:  Twisted Sister 
is a little sassy.  Babble, Babble, Babble - She's lost for words.  Help her out and have words be the focus on your project.  Use stamps, patterned paper, embossing, stickers, rub-ons and create words.  

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random draw prize if you have included words on your project.      

THING 2: Double Dare
dares you to multiply the fun and link up your project with any of our previous partner(s) below for extra chances to our Random Draw. Make sure you read their guidelines carefully and observe their dates. We don't want you to get into Trouble with them.

This means: each time you link with a previous partner, or multiple partners with the same card, you gain additional chances for each partner challenge you entered. Please make sure you add them in your blog along with our Double Trouble link.

Three Amigos Blog Hop
Sneak Peek:  For our 1st Year Anniversary of Double Trouble 
we will be simultaneously running
Challenge 28 and partner with Three Amigos (May 3-19) and 
The Spring/Summer Coffee Lover's BlogHop (May 3-10) 
In addition to our random draw - look for requirements to be 
eligible for winning Blog Candy 

Melanie Richards 

April Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Meghan Kennihan 

Now give us your stuff...

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Top 3 and Random Draw Winner - Challenge #25

We loved all of your fabulous designs and the inspiration shared with us and appreciate the love and support you have given us...hope you'll continue to follow us in future fun challenges and

please invite your friends/family to join us, too. 

Challenge #25

Congratulations to our Top 3

There were awesome "Let's Get Groovy" entries in Challenge #25 with many using the Twisted Sister's optional twist "Woodland Critters".  We loved all of your fabulous designs.

Now in no particular order, here are the Top 3. Please be sure to take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 


Random Draw Prize:
There were 48 entries and numerous additional chances for using Twisted Sister's optional twist "woodland critters" and sharing with our partner Cupcake Inspirations. Our draw was selected by 

Congratulations to the Winner
Your Things will be on its way
as soon as you provide your mailing address at

We hope everyone enjoyed these challenge as much as we did.
Now it’s time for more trouble - Double Trouble that is!

Click HERE for Challenge #26

"Splish / Splash" 
with Joy of Sets "TicTacToe" 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Challenge #26 - "Splish-Splash" with Joy of Sets TicTacToe

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenge and HERE for complete guidelines.
Check out our Secret Sister's special gift in the guidelines.
Please take time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and use our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

WELCOME to Challenge #26 - Let the Troubles Begin 

This oyster/pearl

has been hidden in Secret Sister's Blog
When you find the image, leave a special comment in her blog
to be eligible for a special gift

Join us with "Splish-Splash" by Bobby Darin

THING 1: Trouble Maker
says, "This challenge is a splash!"  Include some form of water to celebrate "Showers" (Spring, Wedding, Baby, Housewarming). Or, give us watercolor technique or paper background, splatter or rain drops using products that represent water (liquid glass, glossy accents).

You can stop here ...  

Or you can opt to use the TicTacToe board below so that you can enter into a second challenge.  

THING 3: Twisted Sister
says "I live in the Pacific Northwest and raindrops keep fallin' on my head (sing-along with BJ Thomas).  To keep the raindrops from fallin' on my head include a bumbershoot on your project." 

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random prize draw if you include a *Bumbershoot. 

*Trivia: "Bumbershoot" is a predominantly American nickname, one that has
been recorded as a whimsical, slightly irreverent handle for umbrellas since the late 1890s. As with most slang terms, the origins of "bumbershoot" are a bit foggy, but it appears that the "bumber" is a modification of the "umbr-" in "umbrella" and the "shoot" is an alteration of the "-chute" in "parachute" (since an open parachute looks a little like an umbrella).  

THING 2: Double Dare
says if you have completed a row, column or diagonal from this TicTacToe board then you are eligible to link your project at The Joy of Sets #004 HERE and you will receive an additional chance at the Double Trouble Random Draw.

Here are our Things...

Thing 1: Used watercolor background paper
Thing 3's Optional Twist: Bumbershoot
TicTacToe Column 1: Wedding/Glitter/Die Cut
or Row 1: Wedding/Glitter/Die Cut

Tracey Pierce 
Thing 1 used Shower Invitation
Thing 3 Optional Twist: Bumbershoot
TicTacToe Diagonal: Wedding/Vellum/Pearls

Thing 1: Used raindrop design paper
Thing 3's Optional Twist: Bumbershoot
TicTacToe 3rd Column: Ribbon/Floral/Pearls

April Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin
Meghan Kennihan
Thing 1: Used splatter of splash on background paper 
Thing 3's Optional Twist:  Bumbershoot 
TicTacToe 3rd Row:  Die Cut/White/Pearls

Now it's your turn....

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Top 3 and Random Draw Prize - Challenge #23 & #24

We loved all of your fabulous designs and the inspiration shared with us and appreciate the love and support you have given us...hope you'll continue to follow us in future fun challenges and

please invite your friends/family to join us, too. 

Challenge #23

Congratulations to our Top 3
There were awesome "Wearin' of the Green" entries in Challenge #23 with many using the Twisted Sister's optional twist "Something Gold". We loved all of your fabulous designs and it was very difficult to choose only 3.

Now in no particular order, here are the Top 3. Please be sure to take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our home page.

Random Draw Prize:
There were 62 entries and numerous additional chances for using Twisted Sister's optional twist "something gold" and sharing with our partner Heart2Heart. Our draw was selected by 

Secret Sister Prize 
(Thing 1 Trouble Maker, aka Suzanne) 
And the winner is... Debi B! Debi's comment was "Shamrocks everywhere, even on one of Thing 1's balloons".  She was the first one to find the hidden clover and she is a big supporter of Double Trouble playing along with all our Shenanigans. Thank you Debi for your creative projects...we always look forward to your participation.   

Rules: Periodically one of our Secret Sisters (Thing 1, 2 or 3) will offer a surprise gift in their blog post. A small symbol will appear in the DTC post and the same symbol will also be hidden somewhere in the text or photos in the Secret Sister's blog post. When you find the symbol, make sure you comment in their blog and Secret Sister will select a winner from her comments. This is the only requirement to be eligible for a special gift.

Congratulations to the Winner
Your Things will be on its way
as soon as you provide your mailing address at

Challenge #24

Congratulations to our Top 3
There were awesome "Metallic" entries in Challenge #24 with many using the Twisted Sister's optional twist "Favorite Mode of Transportation".

Now in no particular order, here are the Top 3. Please be sure to take a Top 3 Badge found on the right sidebar of our home page.  

Random Draw Prize:

There were 16 entries and additional chances for using Twisted Sister's optional twist "Favorite Mode of Travel" and sharing with our partner Brown Sugar. Our draw was selected by 

Congratulations to the Winner
Your Things will be on its way
as soon as you provide your mailing address at

We hope everyone enjoyed these challenge as much as we did.
Now it’s time for more trouble - Double Trouble that is!

Click HERE for Challenge #25

"Let's Get Groovy" 
with Cupcake Inspirations "Woodland Critters"