Monday, February 15, 2021

Challenge #77 "Layer It On" partnering with The Crafter's Cafe

Click HERE for an introduction to our challenges
and HERE for complete guidelines.
Please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble.
Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge
or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Random Draw Winners for previous 
challenges can be viewed by clicking HERE 

WELCOME to Challenge #77 - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Friday, February 15, 2021, thru Sunday, February 28, 2021. 
"Layer It On"  

Thing 1
: Trouble Maker 
says, "Remember that seven-layered cake that Grandma used to make? It was so much fun to watch her create it!  Let's see how you can "layer it on" your project with at least three or more layers.  A layer can be panels of cardstock or paper, die-cut or handmade shapes, doilies, flowers, leaves, or even a banner.  Don't keep us counting... tell us how many layers you added to the card base when you post our link in your blog."

You can stop here... 
OR, play along with Twisted Sister's optional twist to earn another chance at our random draw.

Thing 3: Twisted Sister 
says, "That layered cake looks good, but it's missing something.  I always helped my Grandma decorate and embellish the cake.  Oh! Trouble Maker said layered card, not cake. Oh well, let's embellish our layered cards with more layers using 'lace and/or pearls'. Additional embellishments are also acceptable."  

Optional Twist:  Include lace and/or pearls in your project and earn another chance for the Random Draw. 
Thing 2:  Double Dare 
says, "If you have met Thing 1's requirement to "Layer it On" and have lace and/or pearls in your project, you are eligible to enter your project HERE  at The Crafter's Cafe.    

This is optional but if you enter their challenge you get another chance for the random draw prize.   

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

February Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Now it's your turn...  

After you link below, come back and SHARE with us on Instagram 
using #doubletroublechallengeblog and FOLLOW us.  


Golden Goddess Designs said...

thank you very much for having me as your crazy cousin!


Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

Maryann scrapbooking said...

Merci de nous offrir ce beau challenge et ces si belles interprétations de la DT.
Prenez soin de Vous.

Thank you for offering us this beautiful challenge and these beautiful interpretations of the DT.
Take care of yourself.

cass said...

Great inspiration from the team, you are most welcome to.
enter our challenge at The Crafter's Cafe