Monday, April 1, 2024

Challenge 163 "Let's Get Krafty" partnering with Inspiration Station

Click HERE for complete guidelines and please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Randomly Drawn Winners 
for Challenge #162 and previous challenges
can be viewed by clicking HERE

WELCOME to Challenge #163 - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Monday, April 1st thru Sunday, April 14th 
"Let's Get Krafty" 

THING  1:  Trouble Maker 
says, "Did you know that April 22nd is Earth Day? Some businesses, like McDonald's, have reduced their usage of plastics and are using paper packaging that has been recycled from Kraft paper. Genuine Kraft paper is biodegradable, breaking down within a few weeks as it is absorbed into the environment. Every day should be a celebration of Earth Day, so let's get started now. 

"Next time you're out, swing by McDonald's and consider creating a project using an item made from one of these biodegradable, recycled materials. If that does not appeal to you, then let's go with something from your stash - Use Kraft paper, Kraft colored cardstock, a brown paper bag, corrugated cardboard, or any product made from Kraft-type paper."

You can stop here... 
play along with Twisted Sister's optional twist below to earn another chance in our random drawing.  

THING  3:  Twisted Sister 
says, "Did you know, that Planet Earth is often referred to as "The Blue Planet" because from space the planet appears blue? This is the effect created by 71% of the Earth being covered with water. As Earthlings, we recognize there are many other beautiful colors, and while you may include other colors in your project, my optional twist is to focus on shades of blue. Also, please mention in your personal post how the photo may have motivated you to create your project."  

Optional Twist:  If you have focused on including shades of blue in your project you will earn another chance in our random drawing.

THING  2:  Double Dare 
says, "If you have met Thing 1's requirement to include Kraft-type paper and mentioned in your personal post how you were inspired by Inspiration Station's Prompt #60you are eligible to enter your project HERE

This is no April Fool's joke... use their photo prompt of the Earth to energize your creativity and then tell us about it in your personal post."  

This will qualify you for an additional chance in our random drawing. "Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived.” -- Sidney Sheldon
Inspiration Station Special Notes:  April 1st is the start of Inspiration Station's monthly challenge and their challenge runs through April 30th. Our partnership for this challenge will end on April 14th so Double Trouble can remain on schedule.  

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 


Becca Sadler, owner and manager of HQCB and FQCB said...

The DTCB design team projects are fabulous!!! Brilliantly creative ideas on each member's card!!! Awesome!!!

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.