Monday, April 29, 2024

Double Trouble Challenge #165 - SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing

Click HERE for complete guidelines and please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge 
or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Randomly Drawn Winners 
for Challenge #164 and previous challenges
can be viewed by clicking HERE

WELCOME to Challenge #165 - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Monday, April 29th thru Sunday, May 5th
"SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing"  

THING 1: Trouble Maker
says, "It's time again to grab your bone folder and other crafty stuff and create something new. We think this is easier than folding a fitted sheet! It's time to use the stuff you have in your stash (new and/or old) for our one-week special of SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing (aka AnyThing Goes)." 

You can stop here...

OR, you can choose to include Twisted Sister's Optional Twist below to earn additional chances in our random drawing. 

THING  3:  Twisted Sister 
says, "Holy Guacamole! It will soon be Cinco de Mayo.  Let's Party!  My optional twist is to use at least three colors from this Notebook Inspiration Board to the left for a chance at our regular random drawing.  It doesn't have to be a Cinco de Mayo project, but just SomeThing, AnyThing, EveryThing.  

You can stop here 
add fun to our Cinco de Mayo party.  In addition to the three colors, if you include any one of the images on the notebook we are offering an additional random draw prize for those entrants only. 

THING 2:  Double Dare 
says, "I dare you to multiply the fun by linking your project with any previous partner(s) listed below. You will qualify for extra chances in our random drawing." 

"Make sure you read their guidelines carefully and observe their dates. We don't want you to get into trouble."

You earn an additional chance in our random drawing each time you link to a previous partner with the same card. Please identify each previous partner in your blog along with our Double Trouble link. 

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

Partnered with Color Dare Challenge
Partnered with Paper FunDay

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Partnered with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge

Partnered with Creative Creases

Partnered with Creative Creases 

Partnered with Color Dare 

Month Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin
Partnered with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 

Challenge #164 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

Congratulations to our Top Three Winners!

We hope you enjoyed Challenge # 164 "CAS - Less But Better" as much as we enjoyed seeing your projects.    

We enjoyed viewing all of your fabulous designs and appreciate your participation and creativity in our challenges. Now, in numeric order, here are the Top Three selections. Please take a Top Three badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

Congratulations to the Randomly Drawn Winner!

There were 36 entries plus additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and/or sharing your project with our partner. Our winner was selected by 

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your postal mailing address to

Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges.
Don't forget to invite your crafty friends and family members 
to join in the fun at Double Trouble Challenges. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Challenge #164 "CAS Less But Better" partnering with Crafter's Cafe

Click HERE for complete guidelines and please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge 
or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Randomly Drawn Winners 
for Challenge #163 and previous challenges
can be viewed by clicking HERE

WELCOME to Challenge #164 - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Monday, April 15th - thru Sunday, April 28th  
"CAS ~ Less but Better"  

THING  1:  Trouble Maker 
says, "Oh my gosh, my income tax filing was submitted today and fortunately, mine was clean and simple. Let's take that idea and create a Clean and Simple (CAS) projectTo assist you with the CAS requirement, here is what we're looking for.  
1. Leave plenty of open uncluttered white or "blank" space. 
2. Layers and embellishments are optional but should be minimal.
3. Make it clean, make it simple, make it fun! 

If you need help with your CAS project click  HERE to view a tutorial of five techniques. But if you feel confident about creating CAS, then go for it!" 

You can stop here... 
play along with Twisted Sister's optional twist below to earn another chance in our random drawing. 

THING  3:  Twisted Sister 
says, "I wish my tax filing were clean and simple! It seems as if there is always something else I need to think about and right now I'm thinking color. My optional twist is to fill that white cardstock with any color you choose. That's right - ANY color! Just remember to leave plenty of open uncluttered space.  We look forward to seeing your ideas to use color for the blank space instead of white, keeping it CAS. So use your imagination, and play along."

If you have replaced the white/blank space with color, your project will earn you another chance in our random drawing.  

THING  2:  Double Dare 
says, "If you have met Thing 1's requirement to create a CAS project you are eligible to enter your project 
HERE for The Crafter's Cafe Challenge #307 "CAS" and you will qualify for an additional chance in our random drawing.  

Special Notes:  April 15th is the start of The Crafter's Cafe Challenge and their challenge runs through May 12th. Double Trouble's partnership for this challenge will end on April 28th.   

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 

Challenge #163 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

Congratulations to our Top Three Winners!

We hope you enjoyed Challenge #163 "Let's Get Krafty" as much as we enjoyed seeing your projects.    

We enjoyed viewing all of your fabulous designs and appreciate your participation and creativity in our challenges. Now, in numeric order, here are the Top Three selections. Please take a Top Three badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

Congratulations to the Randomly Drawn Winner!

There were 18 eligible entries plus additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and/or sharing your project with our partner. Our winner was selected by 

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you provide your postal mailing address to

Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges.
Don't forget to invite your crafty friends and family members 
to join in the fun at Double Trouble Challenges. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Challenge 163 "Let's Get Krafty" partnering with Inspiration Station

Click HERE for complete guidelines and please take the time to read so you don't get into trouble. Consider becoming a follower and using our participant badge or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.

Top 3 and Randomly Drawn Winners 
for Challenge #162 and previous challenges
can be viewed by clicking HERE

WELCOME to Challenge #163 - Let the Troubles Begin! 
This Challenge runs from 
Monday, April 1st thru Sunday, April 14th 
"Let's Get Krafty" 

THING  1:  Trouble Maker 
says, "Did you know that April 22nd is Earth Day? Some businesses, like McDonald's, have reduced their usage of plastics and are using paper packaging that has been recycled from Kraft paper. Genuine Kraft paper is biodegradable, breaking down within a few weeks as it is absorbed into the environment. Every day should be a celebration of Earth Day, so let's get started now. 

"Next time you're out, swing by McDonald's and consider creating a project using an item made from one of these biodegradable, recycled materials. If that does not appeal to you, then let's go with something from your stash - Use Kraft paper, Kraft colored cardstock, a brown paper bag, corrugated cardboard, or any product made from Kraft-type paper."

You can stop here... 
play along with Twisted Sister's optional twist below to earn another chance in our random drawing.  

THING  3:  Twisted Sister 
says, "Did you know, that Planet Earth is often referred to as "The Blue Planet" because from space the planet appears blue? This is the effect created by 71% of the Earth being covered with water. As Earthlings, we recognize there are many other beautiful colors, and while you may include other colors in your project, my optional twist is to focus on shades of blue. Also, please mention in your personal post how the photo may have motivated you to create your project."  

Optional Twist:  If you have focused on including shades of blue in your project you will earn another chance in our random drawing.

THING  2:  Double Dare 
says, "If you have met Thing 1's requirement to include Kraft-type paper and mentioned in your personal post how you were inspired by Inspiration Station's Prompt #60you are eligible to enter your project HERE

This is no April Fool's joke... use their photo prompt of the Earth to energize your creativity and then tell us about it in your personal post."  

This will qualify you for an additional chance in our random drawing. "Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived.” -- Sidney Sheldon
Inspiration Station Special Notes:  April 1st is the start of Inspiration Station's monthly challenge and their challenge runs through April 30th. Our partnership for this challenge will end on April 14th so Double Trouble can remain on schedule.  

For inspiration... here are our Things: 

along with inspiration from the Sneetches:

Guest Designer
Crazy Cousin

Now it's your turn... 
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges. 

Challenge #162 - Top 3 and Random Draw Winners

Congratulations to our Top Three Winners!

We hope you enjoyed Challenge #162 "Spring Florals" as much as we enjoyed seeing your projects.    

We enjoyed viewing all of your fabulous designs and appreciate your participation and creativity in our challenges. Once again, we had so many awesome projects and it was difficult to choose only 3.  Now, in numeric order, here are the Top Three Four.  Please take a Top Three badge found on the right sidebar of our home page. 

Congratulations to the Randomly Drawn Winner!

There were 79 entries plus many additional chances given for using Twisted Sister's optional twist and/or sharing your project with our partner. Our winner was selected by 

Your prize will be on its way as soon as you acknownledge your win with reference to Challenge No. 162 at the following email

Please follow us and participate in our future fun challenges.
Don't forget to invite your crafty friends and family members 
to join in the fun at Double Trouble Challenges.