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or any photo from our current challenge for your blog posting.
Top 3 and Randomly Drawn Winners
for Challenge #184 and previous challenges
can be viewed by clicking HERE
WELCOME to Challenge #185 - Let the Troubles Begin!
This Challenge runs from
Monday, Feb 17th thru Sunday, Mar 2nd
"3-2-1 Recipe - Hoodie Hoo"
says, "February 20th is Hoodie Hoo Day... a day to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. Let's start this day by going outside, raising your hands above your head, and shouting out 'Hoodie Hoo'.
"By the way, did you know winter in the Southern Hemisphere occurs during our summer season? People in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate Hoodie-Hoo Day on August 22 to say goodbye to their winter and hello to spring.
"So whether you are ready to look toward spring or want to hang on to winter, let's stir up some trouble and create a project for a special person by using our recipe below."
3-2-1- Recipe "Hoodie Hoo"
Servings - Unlimited Portions of Fun
3 Embellishments
2 Layers - This does not include the card base.
1 Sentiment
You can stop here...
play along with Thing 3's optional twist and/or consider Thing 2's optional dare to use our sister's sketch challenge and earn additional chances at our random drawing.
Thing 3: Twisted Sister
says, "It's been a cold winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and I'm looking forward to the spring and summer warmth that brings flowers. However, there are beautiful flowers in all seasons, so if you still want to hang out for the winter, my optional twist is to include seasonal flower(s) of any kind in your project.
Trivia: Did you know there are both Snowflake and Snowdrop flowers? They are bell-shaped and a little larger than Lily of the Valley. How cool to combine fall/winter snow and spring/summer flowers.
If you include this twist with your 3-2-1 Recipe you will be awarded an additional chance in our random drawing.
THING 2: Double Dare
"Please note TSOT starts on Feb 18th so this sneak peek gives you the day prior to create; but remember... to prevent backlinking your project should not be posted, published or entered before Feb 18th in Try a Sketch On Tuesday #664 HERE."
Alternative Challenge: "If you have met DTC 3-2-1 Recipe requirements and have included seasonal flowers, you can enter the Beautiful Blossoms Challenge. Check the rules for their challenge to make sure you have met their requirements and eligibility dates (Feb 15th - Mar 12th) and be awarded yet another chance in our random drawing."
Special Note: Providing you use the TSOT sketch and/or the Alternate Challenge and have entered your project(s)... please include TSOT's name and/or the Alternate's name Beautiful Blossoms next to the DTC link in your post so you are eligible for the additional chances in our random drawing.
For inspiration... here are our Things:
After you link below, come back and share with us on Instagram and follow us for future new challenges.
Instagram: #doubletroublechallengeblog
1 comment:
Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team
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